##### AUTHOR #### Guillermo Barro ##### TITLE #### UV-to-FIR SEDs, photometric redshifts, stellar masses, and SFRs of IRAC sources in the Extended Groth Strip ##### ABSTRACT #### We present an IRAC 3.6+4.5mum selected catalog characterized with multi-wavelength (UV-to-FIR) photometry in the Extended Groth Strip (EGS). The catalog comprises 56786 sources to [3.6]<23.5 (~85% completeness) over 0.38deg2. In addition, we cross-correlate the sample with the Xray (Chandra) catalog of Laird et al. (2009), the Radio (VLA-20cm) catalog of Ivison et al.(2007) and with all the available spectroscopic redshifts from DEEP2(~10k; DR3). We exploit the high quality spectral coverage to derive accurate photometric redshifts (Delta z/(1+z)=0.036), stellar masses (typical uncertainty of 0.2dex) and rest-frame photometry for all sources. Furthermore, we compute IR-based star formation rates for all the objects detected in the MIPS bands (~30%; FIDEL data). The multi-band catalog jointly with the photometric redshifts and the stellar parameters will be publicly available through a web-interface utility, dubbed RAINBOW-NAVIGATOR, that has been specifically designed to browse all the data products resulting from this work.